Work Experience
Full Stack Engineer, Level: Middle
PT Tibeka Logistik Indonesia (Waresix)•  January 2023 - Present•  Indonesia
Develop and maintain complex software features using GO, Redis, and other technologies. Utilize SQL queries to manage data integration into software systems. Create high-level designs in the form of flowcharts to illustrate desired features. Deliver OKR-based tasks, such as initiative improvements and completing engineering-related courses. Maintain high-end front-end development using React JS. Work closely with other team members to create fully functional and complex product requirements. Address and break down tasks into smaller scopes for subordinates and co-workers. Mentor junior developers.
Web Platform Engineer, Level: Associate
PT Tokopedia•  March 2019 - December 2022•  Indonesia
Develop, maintain, and deliver web page both Desktop page and Mobile Web page in Tokopedia Seller Platform page using tech stack: React.js, css-in-js, GraphQL. Work closely with UI/UX, Data Engineers, Software Engineers - Backend and Product Managers. Responsible to maintain and increase Unit Testing of owned modules with a target 70%. Responsible to do tech debt for increase stability in codebase.
Full Stack Engineer
Alvonse Innovations•  October 2017 - February 2019•  Surabaya, Indonesia
Maintain web service API (PHP-laravel). Deliver complex product requirement. Develop, maintain, and deliver web Front-End using React JS. Work closely with UI/UX and Product Manager to identify product flow and requirement. Design system for Product Requirement.
Full Stack Engineer
Eyesimple•  November 2014 - July 2017•  Surabaya, Indonesia
Slicing web base on UI/UX design. Develop, maintain, and deliver web Front-End using React JS. Deliver Wordpress base product. Deliver Laravel (php) base product.
Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Stikom Surabaya (now Universitas Dinamika)
Computer Information Systems, Bachelor of Computer Science•  January 2024 - January 2024