Test duration75 mins
No. of questions4 questions
Willkommen zum Programmiertest für das Duale Studium Plus von P&T Software.
Die Instruktionen und der Test selbst sind in Englisch gehalten. Solltest Du Fragen oder Probleme haben, melde Dich gerne jederzeit unter dualesstudium@pt.software oder +49 69 87006752.
Viel Erfolg!
Test Instructions
- We recommend you to try the sample test for a couple of minutes, before taking the main test.
- The code area contains a function signature, just complete the function alone, we'll take care of the main function, headers, etc.
- In coding questions, you can print to console to debug your code using the appropriate print command for each language (E.g.: console.log())
- This is the test for the dual degree program (Duales Studium Plus).
- If you are applying as a working student please go to: Working Student Test
- If you are applying for a full stack developer position please go to: Full Stack Developer Test
Confirmation Form
Form will load up once the environment is ready
- Preparing your environment