Thong Pham (Tom)

United States


Data Engineer

Personal Information
United States


Problem Solving
Days of Code


Work Experience

  • Data Engineer•  July 2023 - Present•  United States

    • Engineered ETL pipelines in AWS Lambda tailored to business needs, standardizing data and optimizing performance via multithreading, achieving a 15% reduction in processing time. • Enriched logging and alerts for AWS Lambda by CloudWatch, and integreated New Relic to visualize error metrics, reducing troubleshooting time 2 hours per week. • Designed and developed a CI/CD pipeline from GitHub to AWS Lambda and EC2, transforming the development process into an automated and reliable workflow.

  • Data Engineer

    ZaloPay•  March 2021 - March 2023•  Vietnam

    • Designed and implemented near-realtime data ETL ingestion pipeline by Apache Nifi that consolidated from multiple sources, handling 100M+ of data daily. • Architected data warehouse system and mapped complex ETL and pipelines in Apache Nifi to integrate with digital transactions, resulting in a 20% increase in data accessibility. • Developed encryption/decryption pipeline, integrated with KMS, Secrets Manager, DataHub to manage metadata, providing up to 95% security for sensitive/PII data. • Implemented data consistency pipeline for over 70+ log types, which detected missing data and enhanced data quality for critical business decisions. • Performed data migration from raw data in on-premises database to encrypted data in AWS S3 using EC2 for efficient scaling, resulting in a 17% reduction in infrastructure costs.

  • Software Engineer

    VNG•  June 2020 - March 2021•  Vietnam

    • Conducted test cases across 6 teams and built 100+ test plans, including performance/stress/ failover test plans, resulting in 10% improvement in software efficiency. • Deployed RESTful APIs services using Spring Boot, and deployed within Docker containers, to address race conditions inherent in MySQL within payment systems. • Assisted in implementation of ETL processes and conducted data cleaning and preparation tasks.


  • Arizona State University, Tempe

    Computer Science, MS•  June 2023 - Present

    Master in Computer Science in Big Data Systems.


Data Structure
AWS (Amazon Web Services)