The contest has ended

Bitwise is an annual, time-constrained, algorithm - intensive online programming contest organised by the Computer Science and Engineering Society of IIT-Kharagpur , one of the premier engineering colleges in India.
Registration is free and open to all. Team size is limited to a maximum of two and contestants need to solve a set of problems posted on the site using C or C++.
The solutions are evaluated, not only on the basis of correctness, but also on their execution time and space complexities. Bitwise 2013 had over 3250 teams participated from a total of 1560 organizations, universities and institutes spread over 80 countries.


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The Prizes

  • Prize money : 50K


The Details of Challenges will be revealed soon.


  • At max 2 member per team
  • All the team members must individually sign up for the contest.
  • To make your team; one of the team members needs to click on Teams tab under the settings option.(
  • Note: Only the team manager / 1 person should create team. One player cannot be part of two teams.
  • Mention your Team name and Team handle (both must be remembered for future).
  • In the contest mention BITWISE2K14.
  • After saving this add your other team mates by inviting them with their username which you may find under the Members tab.
  • To become a part of the team your team mates need to accept this invitation which will be sent to their mail account


  • Amit Pandey: +91-9832216351
  • Ashish Vasava - +91-7797326477