It passes the test cases, but if there are any optimization possibilities that I missed, kindly let me know! Defined acronyms (a, b): # Enter your program here If dp = "" for l in a, then # New set of potential routes to takel_upper = l.upper() and _dp = set()

    • Continuing previous Possible pre-DP routes included:

          Only lowercase letters will be permitted if prior == b and l.islower() returns true. Lowercase letters are the only characters that will be accepted if path already equals b.
                  following new_dp.add(prev)
    • A new route has been suggested: prev + l_upper = new_prev

    • Uppercase characters must be added; otherwise, the entire route is invalid new_dp.add(new_prev) if b.startswith(new_prev) and l.isupper()

    • Lowercase letters can be inserted if the l.islower() function returns true. Lowercase letters cannot be introduced if b.startswith(new_prev) returns true. new_dp.add(new_prev) new_dp.add(prev)

      # Replace any additional possible pathways with dp = new_dp.

      return "YES" if b is in dp and "NO" otherwise.