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anybody please help something. wrong in this code
using namespace std;
int main() { long int m,n,i,l=0,l2=0,j; int temp,c=0; string st; cin>>m>>n;
char u[n][m+10],a[m],b[m],t; cin>>a>>b; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>u[i]; } stringstream s; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { long int si=strlen(u[i]); for(j=0;j<5;j++) { st+=t; } if(st=="set_a") { for(j=6;u[i][j]<' ';j++) { t=u[i][j]; s<<t; s>>temp; l=l*10+temp; } while(j<si) { t=u[i][j]; s<<t; s>>temp; l2=l2*10+temp; } a[si-l-1]=l2; } if(st=="set_b") { for(j=6;u[i][j]<' ';j++) { t=u[i][j]; s<<t; s>>temp; l=l*10+temp; } while(j<si) { t=u[i][j]; s<<t; s>>temp; l2=l2*10+temp; } b[si-l-1]=l2; } if(st=="get_c") { vector<int> y; for(j=n;j>=0;j--) { if(a[j]=='1'&&b[j]=='1'&&c==1) { y.push_back(1); } if(a[j]=='1'&&b[j]=='1'&&c==0) { y.push_back(0); c=1; } if((a[j]=='1' && b[j]=='0' && c==1)||(a[j]=='0' && b[j]=='1' && c==1)) { y.push_back(0); } if((a[j]=='1' && b[j]=='0' && c==0 )||(a[j]=='0' && b[j]=='1' && c==0)||(a[j]=='0' && b[j]=='0' && c==1)) { y.push_back(1); c=0; } if((a[j]=='0' && b[j]=='0' && c==0 )) { y.push_back(0); } } for(j=6;u[i][j]<' ';j++) { t=u[i][j]; s<<t; s>>temp; l=l*10+temp; } cout<<y[si-l-1]; }
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Changing Bits
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anybody please help something. wrong in this code
using namespace std;
int main() { long int m,n,i,l=0,l2=0,j; int temp,c=0; string st; cin>>m>>n;