/*Uses binary search for Log N complexity*/
    int findClosestNumberIndex(int num, int start, int end, const std::vector<int>& v)
        const int pivot = (end + start) / 2;
        if(v.at(pivot) == num || start >= end)
            return pivot;
        if(num > v.at(pivot))
            return findClosestNumberIndex(num, start, pivot - 1, v);
        if(num < v.at(pivot))
            return findClosestNumberIndex(num, pivot + 1, end, v);
        return -1;
    std::vector<int> climbingLeaderboard(std::vector<int> ranked, std::vector<int> player) 
    		/*Map used for fast search access*/
        std::map<int, int> posScores {{ranked.at(0), 1}};
        int cl = 1;
        for(int i = 1; i < ranked.size(); ++i)
            if(ranked.at(i) != ranked.at(i - 1))
                posScores.emplace(ranked.at(i), cl);
        std::vector<int> result;
        for(const int playerScore : player)
            int pos = -1;
    				/*If the exact same value is found in the map, we don't need to find the closest number*/
            auto It = posScores.find(playerScore);
            if(It != posScores.end())
                pos = It->second;
                const int closestNumIndex = findClosestNumberIndex(playerScore, 0, ranked.size() - 1, ranked);
                const std::pair<int, int> pairFound = *posScores.find(ranked.at(closestNumIndex));
                pairFound.first > playerScore ? pos = pairFound.second + 1 : pos = pairFound.second;
        return result;