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Swift, Here is my idea. It is easy to understand, however it is too long
funcgemstones(arr:[String])->Int{varuniqueData=Set<String>()varresult=0guardletfirstIndex=arr.firstelse{returnresult}firstIndex.map{uniqueData.insert(String($0))}foriin1..<arr.count{vartemp=Set<String>()arr[i].map{temp.insert(String($0))}print("uniqueData \(uniqueData) and temp is \(temp)")print("intersection \( uniqueData.intersection(temp))")varintersection=uniqueData.intersection(temp)result=intersection.countprint("result ",result)uniqueData=[]uniqueData=intersection}returnresult}
Then, I refactor the code using formIntersection. we don't need the unnecessary variables
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Swift, Here is my idea. It is easy to understand, however it is too long
Then, I refactor the code using formIntersection. we don't need the unnecessary variables