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WITH submissions AS ( SELECT co.contest_id, SUM(ss.total_submissions) tot_sub, SUM(ss.total_accepted_submissions) tot_acc_sub FROM Colleges co JOIN Challenges ch ON co.college_id = ch.college_id JOIN Submission_Stats ss ON ch.challenge_id = ss.challenge_id GROUP BY co.contest_id ), views AS ( SELECT co.contest_id, SUM(vs.total_views) tot_views, SUM(vs.total_unique_views) tot_uni_views FROM Colleges co JOIN Challenges ch ON co.college_id = ch.college_id JOIN View_Stats vs ON ch.challenge_id = vs.challenge_id GROUP BY co.contest_id ) SELECT c.contest_id, c.hacker_id,, s.tot_sub, s.tot_acc_sub, v.tot_views, v.tot_uni_views FROM Contests c JOIN submissions s ON c.contest_id = s.contest_id JOIN views v ON s.contest_id = v.contest_id
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