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i dont know why this code got wrong answer
select t.contest_id, t.hacker_id,, sum(t.total_views) total_views, sum(t.total_unique_views) total_unique_views, sum(t.total_submissions) total_submissions, sum(t.total_accepted_submissions) total_accepted_submissions from ( SELECT co.contest_id, co.hacker_id,, COALESCE(sv.total_views, 0) total_views, COALESCE(sv.total_unique_views, 0) total_unique_views, COALESCE(ss.total_submissions, 0) total_submissions, COALESCE(ss.total_accepted_submissions, 0) total_accepted_submissions FROM Contests co LEFT JOIN ( SELECT a.contest_id contest_id, sum(a.total_views) total_views, sum(a.total_unique_views) total_unique_views FROM ( SELECT c.challenge_id, c.college_id, co.contest_id, vs.total_views, vs.total_unique_views FROM Challenges c INNER JOIN View_Stats vs ON c.challenge_id = vs.challenge_id INNER JOIN Colleges co ON c.college_id = co.college_id ) a GROUP BY a.contest_id ) sv ON co.contest_id = sv.contest_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT b.contest_id contest_id, sum(b.total_submissions) total_submissions, sum(b.total_accepted_submissions) total_accepted_submissions FROM ( SELECT c.challenge_id, c.college_id, co.contest_id, ss.total_submissions, ss.total_accepted_submissions FROM Challenges c INNER JOIN Submission_Stats ss ON c.challenge_id = ss.challenge_id INNER JOIN Colleges co ON c.college_id = co.college_id ) b GROUP BY b.contest_id ) ss ON co.contest_id = ss.contest_id ) t where not total_views = 0 or not total_unique_views = 0 or not total_submissions = 0 or not total_accepted_submissions = 0 group by contest_id, hacker_id, name order by contest_id
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i dont know why this code got wrong answer