def minimumBribes(q):
        # Can only bribe to move forward. We can take a greedy approach where we sort the 
        # queue from the back, and only allow swaps within a specified window
        # if, by the end of the sort within each window, the last element is not in position,
        # it means they made too many bribes 
        n = len(q)
        window = 3
        num_swaps = 0
        while n >= window:
            swapped = False
            for i in range(1, window):
                # compare with adjacent
                if q[n - i] < q[n - i - 1]:
                    q[n - i], q[n - i - 1] = q[n - i - 1], q[n - i]
                    swapped = True
                    num_swaps += 1
            if not swapped:
                # window is sorted
                if q[n - 1] != n:
                    # last element is unsorted -> someone bribed more than the window
                    print("Too chaotic")
                n -= 1
        return num_swaps