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It can be optimized with dp, but since it is with deque...
int Solve(vector<int> arr, int d) { int mn, mx; deque<int> mmi; mmi.push_back(0); for(int i = 1; i < d; mmi.push_back(i), i++) while(!mmi.empty() && arr[mmi.back()] < arr[i]) mmi.pop_back(); mn = mx = mmi.front(); for(int i = d; i < arr.size(); i++) { if(mx == i - d) mmi.pop_front(); while(!mmi.empty() && arr[mmi.back()] <= arr[i]) mmi.pop_back(); mmi.push_back(i); mx = mmi.front(); mn = arr[mx] < arr[mn] ? mx : mn; } return arr[mn]; }
Queries with Fixed Length
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It can be optimized with dp, but since it is with deque...