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static void Main(String[] args) { System.Console.ReadLine(); var xs = System.Console.ReadLine(); var ys = System.Console.ReadLine(); System.Console.WriteLine( SpearmanRank(ToArr(xs), ToArr(ys)).ToString("f3") ); } static double[] ToArr(string xs) { var zs = xs.Trim().Split(' '); int l = zs.Length; var arr = new double[l]; int i = -1; while(++i<l){ arr[i] = double.Parse(zs[i]); } return arr; } static double SpearmanRank(double[] xs, double[] ys) { var rxs = GetRank(xs); var rys = GetRank(ys); int n = xs.Length; double r = 0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { r += Math.Pow(rxs[i] - rys[i], 2); } return 1.0 - (6 * r) / (n * ( Math.Pow(n, 2) - 1 )); } static double[] GetRank(double[] xs) { int n = xs.Length; var dic = new SortedDictionary<double, List<int>>(); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { var x = xs[i]; List<int> ps; if (!dic.TryGetValue(x, out ps)) { ps = new List<int>(); dic.Add(x, ps); } ps.Add(i); } var rnks = new double[n]; int p = 1; foreach(var d in dic) { var ws = d.Value; foreach(var w in ws) { rnks[w] = p; } p++; } return rnks; }
Day 7: Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient
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