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Sherlock and the Valid String
Sherlock and the Valid String
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This might be one of the most poorly worded questions
failing test 7 and 13 ugh cant see it
var r = s .GroupBy(s => s, (str, c) => new { letter = str, count = c.Count() }) .GroupBy(s => s.count, (c, e) => new { totalCount = c, counts = e.Count() }).ToList();
if (r.Count == 1) { return "YES"; }
if (r.Count > 2) { return "NO"; }
if (r[1].totalCount - r[0].totalCount == 1 && r[1].counts == 1) { return "YES"; } else if (r[0].totalCount - r[1].totalCount == 1 && r[1].counts == 1) { return "YES"; }
else { return "NO"; }
The string is valid if Sherlock can remove 1 character at index = 1... Later in the problem it says you can remove two to get a valid string.....