
lay_contest beta round 00004

Starts in


Anyone can participate in the contest, but only Japanese statements will be available.

・ 特別な記述がない限り,全てのテストケースに対して通らないと(一部のテストに正解しても)点数は全くもらえません.
・ 問題ごとに配点は違いますので注意してください.
・ 同点の場合は同じランクになりますが,ACM/ICPCスタイルで解いた問題の時間の累積が短いほうが上に表示されます(誤答ペナルティはありません).
・ 実行時間制限は明記していないかぎり,標準のものが用いられます.
・ リジャッジの方法がなさそうなので,テストケースが間違っていた場合は,修正後再度サブミットしてもらうか,その問題はなかったっことになる可能性が高いです….
・ 今回はβです.




  • Please refrain from discussing strategy during the contest.
  • All submissions are run through a plagiarism detector. Any case of code plagiarism will disqualify both users from the contest.
  • You can also code using our interface, which currently supports over 40 major languages. Learn about our environment and time limits here. If you are not yet familiar with our platform, check out Solve Me First to acquaint yourself with I/O.
  • HackerRank admin decisions are final.


  • Each challenge has a pre-determined score.
  • Your score for a problem depends on the number of test cases your submission successfully passes.
  • A participant's total score is the sum of the scores earned for each problem attempted. If you submitted more than one solution for a problem, only your highest score achieved will be used in this calculation.
  • Participants are ranked by score, with the cumulative time taken (between the contest's start time and the time of your correct submission) used to break ties.

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