- Prepare
- Algorithms
- Strings
- Beautiful Binary String
Beautiful Binary String
Beautiful Binary String
Alice has a binary string. She thinks a binary string is beautiful if and only if it doesn't contain the substring .
In one step, Alice can change a to a or vice versa. Count and print the minimum number of steps needed to make Alice see the string as beautiful.
She can change any one element and have a beautiful string.
Function Description
Complete the beautifulBinaryString function in the editor below.
beautifulBinaryString has the following parameter(s):
- string b: a string of binary digits
- int: the minimum moves required
Input Format
The first line contains an integer , the length of binary string.
The second line contains a single binary string .
- .
Output Format
Print the minimum number of steps needed to make the string beautiful.
Sample Input 0
STDIN Function
----- --------
7 length of string n = 7
0101010 b = '0101010'
Sample Output 0
Explanation 0:
In this sample,
The figure below shows a way to get rid of each instance of :
Make the string beautiful by changing characters ( and ).
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
Sample Case 1:
In this sample
Explanation 1
The substring does not occur in , so the string is already beautiful in moves.
Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2
Explanation 2
In this sample
One solution is to change the values of to form a beautiful string.