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**in c++:
so basically ,
Initialize res to 1. This variable will hold the result of the calculation.
Iterate through the routes vector. For each element in the vector, do the following:
Reset res to 1 at the beginning of each iteration of the outer loop.
Iterate through the towns using the inner loop (for (int j = 0; j < n - 1; j++)).
For each town, calculate the number of routes and update res as follows:
Calculate (res % mod) * (routes[j] % mod) to get the product of the current value of res and the number of routes between the current pair of towns. This is done modulo mod to prevent integer overflow.
Update res with the result of the above calculation.
After the inner loop finishes, res will contain the total number of routes between all towns.
Return res modulo 1234567 as the final result.**
int connectingTowns(int n, vector routes) {
int res = 1;
long mod=1234567;
for(int i=0;i
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Connecting Towns
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**in c++: so basically , Initialize res to 1. This variable will hold the result of the calculation.
Iterate through the routes vector. For each element in the vector, do the following:
Reset res to 1 at the beginning of each iteration of the outer loop.
Iterate through the towns using the inner loop (for (int j = 0; j < n - 1; j++)).
For each town, calculate the number of routes and update res as follows:
Calculate (res % mod) * (routes[j] % mod) to get the product of the current value of res and the number of routes between the current pair of towns. This is done modulo mod to prevent integer overflow. Update res with the result of the above calculation. After the inner loop finishes, res will contain the total number of routes between all towns. Return res modulo 1234567 as the final result.**
int connectingTowns(int n, vector routes) { int res = 1; long mod=1234567; for(int i=0;i