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import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; public class Solution { public static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?<operation>AND|OR|XOR|FLIP|SET) (?<arg1>[0-9]+) (?<arg2>[0-9]+)"); public static void main(String[] args) { /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution. */ Scanner s = new Scanner(; int n = s.nextInt(); int m = s.nextInt(); s.nextLine(); BitSet[] bitSets = {new BitSet(n), new BitSet(n)}; for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) { String line = s.nextLine(); doOperation(line, bitSets); } s.close(); } private static void doOperation(String line, BitSet[] bitSets) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line); if(!matcher.find()) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Input. No matches found."); String operation ="operation"); int arg1 = Integer.valueOf("arg1")) - 1; // For 0-based indexing int arg2 = Integer.valueOf("arg2")); switch (operation) { case "AND": bitSets[arg1].and(bitSets[arg2 - 1]); break; case "OR": bitSets[arg1].or(bitSets[arg2 - 1]); break; case "XOR": bitSets[arg1].xor(bitSets[arg2 - 1]); break; case "FLIP": bitSets[arg1].flip(arg2); break; case "SET": bitSets[arg1].set(arg2); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported operation: " + operation); } // System.out.printf("OPERATION: %s\nARG1: %d\nARG2: %d\n" // + "SET1(Before / After): %s --- %s\n" // + "SET2(Before / After): %s --- %s\n" // , operation, arg1, arg2, buffer1.toString(), bitSets[0].toString(), buffer2.toString(), bitSets[1].toString()); System.out.println(bitSets[0].cardinality() + " " + bitSets[1].cardinality()); } }
Java BitSet
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