- Prepare
- Mathematics
- Combinatorics
- Sherlock and Pairs
Sherlock and Pairs
Sherlock and Pairs
Sherlock is given an array of integers (, ... by Watson. Now Watson asks Sherlock how many different pairs of indices and exist such that is not equal to but is equal to .
That is, Sherlock has to count the total number of pairs of indices where AND .
Input Format
The first line contains , the number of test cases. test cases follow.
Each test case consists of two lines; the first line contains an integer , the size of array, while the next line contains space separated integers.
Output Format
For each test case, print the required answer on a different line.
Sample input
1 2 3
1 1 2
Sample output
In the first test case, no two pair of indices exist which satisfy the given condition.
In the second test case as A[0] = A[1] = 1, the pairs of indices (0,1) and (1,0) satisfy the given condition.